Hidden advantages of using the same IT vendor for years

We see many of our prospects and customers shopping around for IT vendors and changing them at the drop of a hat. True, this is a very competitive field and prices for service range from $15/hr to over $200/hr. But there are some definite advantages to using the same IT vendor for a long time provided that periodic reviews are done to ensure competitiveness. It is also true that sticking with one vendor allows for both the vendor and customer to develop familiarity about the other parties business practices. In the ideal case, vendors will use a documentation tool like ITGlue to store all the data about a customer's IT systems and practices.  PC Methods takes pride in how carefully we document everything we do to a customers system and store all the information such as passwords, machine tags, serial and model numbers and warranty information. 
Peter Heinicke

Peter Heinicke

Chicago area ERP consultant and Managed Service Provider with over 45 years of experience in Sage 300, Sage Pro, Quickbooks ERP and other systems

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